1st Yoga class update

Thank you all for coming! Lake was so happy and stimulated (being in this bright, all white space, listening to our gaggle of little babblers, taking in Henry + Kai's expert crawl... across the studio, over other moms and into the yoga instructor's hands for a demo), that he (and I) came home and promptly slept for 2 and a half hours.

I enjoyed the class very much and also am getting a feel for the dynamics of all the various activities that can go down in the space of an hour or so and how to lay out the new space to accommodate us and be flexible, such as a "soft wall" of Moses baskets for sudden nappers and also dividing the play area from the focused class area.

I am very interested in trying out as many different yoga instructors for a period of time as we can. We may do one or several classes with each instructor as scheduling allows, and also to give ourselves and the instructors a chance to explore what can develop. Any thoughts at all regarding this are always welcome.

We voted to move the time from 12:30 to noon. However there are two more moms who would be able to attend if we moved to 11 AM. Does this NOT work for anyone?
We'll go ahead and keep the noon time for next week. Please respond to lakehousebrooklyn@gmail.com with the subject title: babe&me yoga 11 am OR vs. babe&me yoga 12 pm

RSVP's are important: we had 8 moms and babies and it was comfortable. We could probably work with 10, so past that I will let people know that the class is full.

I'm looking forward to our next class.

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