JANUARY | M | T | W | TH | F | SA | SU |
Toddler Yoga | | 10:00 | | | | | |
Babe & Me Yoga | | 12:00 | | | 12:00 | | |
Telling Tales | | | | 3:00 | | | |
World Dance | | | 3:30 | | | | |
Adult Yoga | | | | | |||
| | | |
Lakehouse closed
Hi everyone,I'm very sorry to have to say we are losing the space at the Pencil Factory. My friends were completely generous for sharing their wonderful loft and the landlord has offered Lakehouse a lease going forward, yet as of now, we still do not have a single guarantor to sign.
We generated some wonderful classes and memories that were fantastic for both Lake and I and I will miss them very much.
I am grateful to all the families who encouraged me to organize this, contributed time and equiptment, helped choose the name and especially to the people who were committed to taking the classes throughout and the teachers, all of whom contributed and many who donated time and extraordinary expertise.
I have made some new friends as well and that has been priceless.
It was lovely getting to know all of you. I am grateful to be part of such an excellent community.
Michele + Lake (10 months)
Libby Sentz, our World Dance teacher, has been selected to dance at the inaugural celebration on Tuesday in Washington so will not be in town for Wednesday class. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for her. She will be back next Wednesday, Jan 28.
Tuesday yoga classes are canceled as there are no RSVP's.
Friday yoga at 10 and Telling Tales at 3pm are both running as usual.
Congratulations Libby!
Michele + Lake (10 months)
Tuesday yoga classes are canceled as there are no RSVP's.
Friday yoga at 10 and Telling Tales at 3pm are both running as usual.
Congratulations Libby!
Michele + Lake (10 months)
World Dance:1st class
Our 1st class was really great and I can't wait to do it again! This will be really ideal for the 2's and 3's, and in January I can't wait for my niece Zoe to join us! Libby is every bit the teacher and leader I thought she would be.
The kids were enamored with her, Lake was trying to keep time,
Julie as always was all smiles, Tuari and Laird were a little shy but finally got into the groove,
Maren with her 2 1/2 week old newborn! and Ava's Grandma were so amazing
keeping up, and thank you Rebecca for all you and Sadie contribute just being there.
This will be a wonderful class to see grow!
Thank you to all you who came.
Classes on till Dec 21st
Ok so, classes are running till the 21st and then a winter break until Jan 5th.Telling Tales will keep its 3pm time this week and move to 10 am on 12/19.
World Dance will start Dec 17 and then resume after the break as well.
Telling Tales is designed for toddlers but some moms have asked if they could bring younger ones to this. It was so stimulating for my son (8 months) (and me) so If you want to join us it actually works out fine. Lake + Sadie (9 months) will be there and and possibly 1-2 other 7 month olds. So please, come along!
news from Lakehouse and the holiday break
Some of us are having Xmas for the first or second time with our little ones so I'm wondering if we should start a holiday break now. I'm also wondering if there is ever enough time off for Christmas. So I'm thinking we could resume in the new year refreshed and less preoccupied (speaking for myself here). The break would be one extra week than many independent schools' holiday. Of course if I get lots of notes back declaring terrible disappointment and dismay then we'll stick to our schedule for one more week.
The break will also give me a chance to keep scouting for a toddler yoga teacher I think we could settle in with. It is not possible for me to take all of their classes (that's how all this started in the first place), but I can try out new teachers here. So please bear with me while finding someone just right. I know some of you are big fans, so Amanda can be found teaching at Mamalu's and Karma Kids.
We did our first Telling Tales class with Rebecca and it was wonderful. It far surpassed my expectations. I wrote a SHORT paragraph on the blog and can't wait to bring Lake to the next one. He was almost slack-jawed throughout the class, but lit up and giddy for hours afterwards. Delicious!
Libby Sentz is also someone I was fortunate to run into while she was doing the Halloween Hungry Marching Band performance. Having a competitive dance background, it was immediately clear how much she enjoys movement, music and children. I can't wait to take our first class with her. Unless I hear back from enough moms in protest on this delay, we'll reschedule her class to start January 7th.
There are a few more very excellent classes in the works now....!
I still have a lease on my desk for a permanent home for all this. The owner is planning on some repairs to the building over the next couple of months, some cosmetic and other more substantial such as installing 2 more bathrooms directly across from the studio, updating the ventilation in the studio, redoing the entrance and hallways and making the building handicapped accessible (perfect for strollers). So in one way it is a good time to hold off on signing the lease.
At the risk of losing this space however, it is also a good time to first see if our classes really can cover the the expense of a home of its own. Turn-out has been fairly small even when the RSVP's look great. Your notes are so inspiring and supportive and encouraging to me that I want to keep trying to make this work. Really you are an awesome and lovely group of neighbors! If everyone who has written to me expressing encouragement and interest, RSVPed and voted on the blogs were to come then we can just make it. It's a bit of a catch 22 in that I think more people would come if our classes were where I'd originally envisioned, but need more people to come in order to create it. I also really want to keep the costs low with the emphasis on quality teachers and very selective classes that I would want to participate in with my son, and plenty of downtime/playtime for them. The more I investigate the gamut of what is available for very young people, the more I want to do this undertaking. I'm also investigating other ways to subsidize the space. If anyone has any suggestions about that I'm very open. If some moms or anyone else we know would like to hold one time events in our temporary space that's definitely something I'm interested in doing and think would be very fun for variety.
My little guy here is not getting any younger right along with yours, and I really hope we (those who agree with where, when and what I'm trying to do) can all make this happen. It wouldn't take much to make a decent sized, neat space for our use (and all the way out here in Greenpoint) a reality if enough moms made a small commitment. I would really like to see this become community place but have some specific criteria for the kinds of classes.
I'm sorry about the comments box still not working on the blog. I'm speaking to someone about it this Thurs. It would be great for everyone to see what is being said, and what some of the scheduling and class requests are looking like such as programming on the weekends. That was the goal of doing a blog format so I'll find out what the hold up is.
(I put this same letter up on there for those of us not involved with Hui.)
Hope everyone has a wonderful time this Christmas!
Michele + Lake (almost 3/4 of a whole year!)
The break will also give me a chance to keep scouting for a toddler yoga teacher I think we could settle in with. It is not possible for me to take all of their classes (that's how all this started in the first place), but I can try out new teachers here. So please bear with me while finding someone just right. I know some of you are big fans, so Amanda can be found teaching at Mamalu's and Karma Kids.
We did our first Telling Tales class with Rebecca and it was wonderful. It far surpassed my expectations. I wrote a SHORT paragraph on the blog and can't wait to bring Lake to the next one. He was almost slack-jawed throughout the class, but lit up and giddy for hours afterwards. Delicious!
Libby Sentz is also someone I was fortunate to run into while she was doing the Halloween Hungry Marching Band performance. Having a competitive dance background, it was immediately clear how much she enjoys movement, music and children. I can't wait to take our first class with her. Unless I hear back from enough moms in protest on this delay, we'll reschedule her class to start January 7th.
There are a few more very excellent classes in the works now....!
I still have a lease on my desk for a permanent home for all this. The owner is planning on some repairs to the building over the next couple of months, some cosmetic and other more substantial such as installing 2 more bathrooms directly across from the studio, updating the ventilation in the studio, redoing the entrance and hallways and making the building handicapped accessible (perfect for strollers). So in one way it is a good time to hold off on signing the lease.
At the risk of losing this space however, it is also a good time to first see if our classes really can cover the the expense of a home of its own. Turn-out has been fairly small even when the RSVP's look great. Your notes are so inspiring and supportive and encouraging to me that I want to keep trying to make this work. Really you are an awesome and lovely group of neighbors! If everyone who has written to me expressing encouragement and interest, RSVPed and voted on the blogs were to come then we can just make it. It's a bit of a catch 22 in that I think more people would come if our classes were where I'd originally envisioned, but need more people to come in order to create it. I also really want to keep the costs low with the emphasis on quality teachers and very selective classes that I would want to participate in with my son, and plenty of downtime/playtime for them. The more I investigate the gamut of what is available for very young people, the more I want to do this undertaking. I'm also investigating other ways to subsidize the space. If anyone has any suggestions about that I'm very open. If some moms or anyone else we know would like to hold one time events in our temporary space that's definitely something I'm interested in doing and think would be very fun for variety.
My little guy here is not getting any younger right along with yours, and I really hope we (those who agree with where, when and what I'm trying to do) can all make this happen. It wouldn't take much to make a decent sized, neat space for our use (and all the way out here in Greenpoint) a reality if enough moms made a small commitment. I would really like to see this become community place but have some specific criteria for the kinds of classes.
I'm sorry about the comments box still not working on the blog. I'm speaking to someone about it this Thurs. It would be great for everyone to see what is being said, and what some of the scheduling and class requests are looking like such as programming on the weekends. That was the goal of doing a blog format so I'll find out what the hold up is.
(I put this same letter up on there for those of us not involved with Hui.)
Hope everyone has a wonderful time this Christmas!
Michele + Lake (almost 3/4 of a whole year!)
Telling Tales' first class
I had hoped Telling Tales would be a well composed, thoughtful and intuitive experience for this very adaptable, open and imaginative age group. It was so much more. Rebecca Honig takes fun very... very seriously.By the end of the class I felt as though I'd gone on a little vacation. I wasn't sure if it could be done but she managed to be bright, fun and also very engaging to both grown ups and kids. Rebecca has a highly developed sense of respect for the young people she is creating for and is an imminently talented artist. I feel so fortunate to have met her as she inspires me to become a more creative mom and to be able to introduce her to my son. And I am very proud to have this opportunity to rent a place for her to share some of her skills with us here in Greenpoint. It was so rewarding to see the personalities of the children steadily warm up, empathize and finally fall in love with with her beautiful voice and all the personalities she presented. Only at the end did I learn that most of Rebecca's material was improvisation. Thanks again, Rebecca. You really do "take care."
Greenpoint Toddler Group: classes are ON!
I'm very excited to say that our toddler classes are on the schedule!Rebecca Honig's Telling Tales with Spoons & Pans will begin Friday December 5th at 3pm. Bring a blanket.
Libby Sentz's World Dance Sampler will begin Wednesday December 10th at 3:30pm. Dancing is the first step towards developing music appreciation. Pattern recognition is first felt so bring your enthusiasm and booty shaking toddler to this one!
Please let me know if you would attend one, the other or both:
Tues 10 AM with Amanda (for walkers) Dec 2nd
Sat 10 AM TBA
Primarily focused on toddlers but are very fun for all and each can be tailored to the group.
(Please RSVP these! + please include your child's name + age!)
Mas, Pas, grandmas + pas and all caregivers are welcome.
BABE & ME YOGA: 6 weeks - crawlers
Tues 11:45 - 1PM with Amanda
Tues 11:45 - 1PM with Adele
Temporary location: Suite #501 at 61 Greenpoint Ave between West & Franklin streets. (If you're strollering use the freight entrance in the middle of block to avoid the steps).
Thank you Annelise!
Annelise saved the day Tuesday and very
spontaneously, gently and democratically, led the class for us.
spontaneously, gently and democratically, led the class for us.
mommy-baby yoga
1st Yoga class update
Thank you all for coming! Lake was so happy and stimulated (being in this bright, all white space, listening to our gaggle of little babblers, taking in Henry + Kai's expert crawl... across the studio, over other moms and into the yoga instructor's hands for a demo), that he (and I) came home and promptly slept for 2 and a half hours.
I enjoyed the class very much and also am getting a feel for the dynamics of all the various activities that can go down in the space of an hour or so and how to lay out the new space to accommodate us and be flexible, such as a "soft wall" of Moses baskets for sudden nappers and also dividing the play area from the focused class area.
I am very interested in trying out as many different yoga instructors for a period of time as we can. We may do one or several classes with each instructor as scheduling allows, and also to give ourselves and the instructors a chance to explore what can develop. Any thoughts at all regarding this are always welcome.
We voted to move the time from 12:30 to noon. However there are two more moms who would be able to attend if we moved to 11 AM. Does this NOT work for anyone? We'll go ahead and keep the noon time for next week. Please respond togmail.com
RSVP's are important: we had 8 moms and babies and it was comfortable. We could probably work with 10, so past that I will let people know that the class is full.
I'm looking forward to our next class. Michele
I enjoyed the class very much and also am getting a feel for the dynamics of all the various activities that can go down in the space of an hour or so and how to lay out the new space to accommodate us and be flexible, such as a "soft wall" of Moses baskets for sudden nappers and also dividing the play area from the focused class area.
I am very interested in trying out as many different yoga instructors for a period of time as we can. We may do one or several classes with each instructor as scheduling allows, and also to give ourselves and the instructors a chance to explore what can develop. Any thoughts at all regarding this are always welcome.
We voted to move the time from 12:30 to noon. However there are two more moms who would be able to attend if we moved to 11 AM. Does this NOT work for anyone? We'll go ahead and keep the noon time for next week. Please respond to
with the subject title: babe&me yoga 11 am OR vs. babe&me yoga 12 pm RSVP's are important: we had 8 moms and babies and it was comfortable. We could probably work with 10, so past that I will let people know that the class is full.
I'm looking forward to our next class. Michele
greenpoint brooklyn,
mommy-baby yoga
(while renovations are getting underway!)
at 61 Greenpoint Ave.
between Franklin St. & West St. SUITE #501.
Is now an open class to both crawlers & precrawlers.
The space has an elevator, is clean, light and bright but not very large. There may be enough space for 8-10 people per class.
RSVP togmail.com
(Anyone know how to make email address a working link?)
There is a spacious hallway to leave strollers, (though no one to watch them) so If you can do a carrier that's great! And if there are only a couple of strollers we may be able to get them inside. There will be a small space to leave your mat if you want to or please call me if you need to buy a mat. I can order them within a week. Please bring a blanket for your baby.
One mom suggested switching off times for the 2 groups to give everyone more scheduling options. So.....
••• crawlers 11:00
••• precrawlers 12:30 Adele
••• precrawlers 11:00
••• crawlers 12:30 Adele
Suggested Contribution $15 ( $10 minimum)
Also check below to vote on prenatal which could start as soon as we want and other classes... I'm especially excited about the story time class with Rebecca, Telling Tales with Spoons and Pans, and World Dance Sampler with Libby!
xo, Michele + Lake (7.5 Months)
(while renovations are getting underway!)
at 61 Greenpoint Ave.
between Franklin St. & West St. SUITE #501.
Is now an open class to both crawlers & precrawlers.
The space has an elevator, is clean, light and bright but not very large. There may be enough space for 8-10 people per class.
(Anyone know how to make email address a working link?)
There is a spacious hallway to leave strollers, (though no one to watch them) so If you can do a carrier that's great! And if there are only a couple of strollers we may be able to get them inside. There will be a small space to leave your mat if you want to or please call me if you need to buy a mat. I can order them within a week. Please bring a blanket for your baby.
One mom suggested switching off times for the 2 groups to give everyone more scheduling options. So.....
••• crawlers 11:00
••• precrawlers 12:30 Adele
••• precrawlers 11:00
••• crawlers 12:30 Adele
Suggested Contribution $15 ( $10 minimum)
Also check below to vote on prenatal which could start as soon as we want and other classes... I'm especially excited about the story time class with Rebecca, Telling Tales with Spoons and Pans, and World Dance Sampler with Libby!
Hope to see you there! (I can't wait!)xo, Michele + Lake (7.5 Months)
greenpoint brooklyn,
mommy-baby yoga
Prenatal yoga with Jennifer M,W,F or Sat at 11 am
I have to poll this again because it keeps changing so fast!
Congratulations to Nellie, Katherine, Lydia + Carolin!
(Sorry it didn't happen fast enough).
Jennifer is certified in prenatal yoga and is in her 2nd trimester!
We need 8 people to make it a go. I know of four so far.... is anyone else coming?
greenpoint brooklyn,
mommy-baby yoga
World Dance Sampler with Libby

BEGINS: Weds December 10th, 2008 3:30 pm
Inside every Walker is a Dancer! In World Dance class, Libby Sentz will lead Walkers and Mommies on an exploration of movement from around the globe. During class we'll sample steps from Africa, Cuba, Haiti, Brazil, the U.S., and more! Emphasis is on understanding our bodies, finding that inner rhythm, and pure bouncy joy. Libby Sentz is a folkloric dancer in the Mikerline Afro-Haitian Dance and Drum Troupe and a sparkly freestyle dancer for Brooklyn's most celebrated brass band, the Hungry March Band. No previous dance experience necessary!
Telling Tales with Spoons and Pans

BEGINS: Fri December 5th, 2008 3:00pm
Handmade instruments and homespun tales. Rebecca Honig works for Sesame Street designing curriculum, books and programs for parents, teachers and schools, has done her masters in education, has 10 years of teaching experience and does voice overs for national cartoons, and is mom to 8 month old Sadi.
If you have some links you'd like to share post them in comments box below and I'll add them. It's a random collection of anything related to our little sweethearts and us.
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